Monday, March 17, 2008

Good news, Bad news

The good news is that the priests I work with are great guys, willing to help out in whatever capacity necessary for ministry. Even if it means dressing up as an a) beauty pageant winner to hand out goofy awards to teenagers or b) a Roman centurion for the Holy Week Stations of the Cross presentation.

The bad news is that, due to a total lack of modesty or body-consciousness in the above situations, I've seen two priests in their boxers.

Please note that this does not constitute a scandal. Praise God for willing, if sometimes clueless, servants of the Church.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Inspirational Poster

As we prepare for Holy Week, please enjoy this inspirational image.

Jesus and the Church

So, while we were preparing for marriage, Ryan and I talked a lot about the sacrament, about the vocation of our marriage. It helped me to think that our love for each other would be like Christ's love for the Church. We wanted the best for each other, we wanted to show each other love and respect, even when things got difficult. So, when I get crabby, I try to think: if I am to love Ryan like I love Christ, maybe I can make that extra step and not complain, do something nice for him, be a little kinder and gentler.

This line of thinking hasn't really set well Ryan. I tried explaining this once, and he kinda gave me a look like he was creeped out. Granted, pretending your partner, your spouse, your *ahem* lover, is like the Lord...well, it's a little hard to digest, even if you have read and enjoyed St. Teresa of Avila, and St. John of the Cross (which he has not).

Of course, today I am more convinced that Ryan is right. Today was an Annoying Husband day. Some days, admittedly, it's half (or more) Cranky Wife day, but today was probably all Ryan. But that's not the point. The day consisted of me administering eardrops (for a near-fatal ear-ache, to hear him tell it), four phone calls at work regarding the ear-ache and its probable causes and consequences (virus, wax build-up, tumor), then coming home to do laundry and look at the dishes that are *still* in the sink after a week, and the others that are *still* next to his side of the bed after...two weeks?

So I was reminding myself that loving Ryan should be as unconditional and selfless as Christ loves me, and I should respond to the love I've been given with gratitude, and lovingkindness. So I thought, as I gathered dishes, "If Jesus left a couple beer bottles on my coffee table, I would totally pick 'em up, and be glad that he came for visit. I'd be glad for the company, the conversation, the relaxing." Then I thought, as I dug some old socks out from under the couch, "Wait...Jesus would NOT leave dirty socks on my floor for me to pick up. And I think if I left dirty socks on Jesus's floor, he might get that righteous anger thing and teach me a lesson about respect and responsibility, a la the merchants in the temple!" Ryan is right: sometimes marriage is somewhat less than the ideal of Jesus' love for the Church.

So I say: Crap on his pile of dishes. And if he fails, again, to put his dirty clothes in the hamper, I will fail to wash them, for as long as it takes. What would Jesus do? I think he'd have my back.